What we do

Our main activities center on the provision of mentoring and consulting services to both public and private sector institutions in Tanzania. Mentoring can be described as a reciprocal and collaborative learning relationship between two or more individuals who share mutual responsibility and accountability for helping a mentee work toward the achievement of clear and mutually defined learning goals. Mentoring, at its fullest, is driven by the learning needs of the mentee (Presler et al, 2006).

Our interventions are streamlined into five major thematic areas of health, education, environment, agriculture, and cooperatives. In addition, gender and youth are mainstreamed in all activities we perform. This means that everyone (men, women, elderly, children, and youth) is included regardless of physical ability and location. To ensure effective execution and institutionalization of our interventions we work closely with the Local Government Authorities (LGAs), Regional Administrations, and Sector Ministries. We also engage with CSOs and Developments Partners (DPs) and communities where necessary and applicable.

TMA embraces mentorship because the experience gained from the WAJIBIKA project has proven that it can promote deep change within and across institutions and in particular mindset change that has a long-term impact in addressing complex challenges in both public and private sectors.

In addition to mentorship, we offer demand-driven consulting services in various areas including financial management, project management, human resource management, strategic planning, cooperative management, entrepreneurship, health services management, and preparation of client services charters. In executing our activities, we partner with government, local and international organizations, and academic institutions.

To ensure long-term sustainability and financial security, TMA has established income-generating projects and other measures that will support TMA operations beyond donor support. These projects and other measures include Microfinance, SACCOS, beekeeping, and hotel and conference hall projects. Moreover, TMA has ventured into enterprises by acquiring shares in companies including TCCIA and TMA Associates Ltd.